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Traditional cupping, or “fire cupping," uses heat to create a vacuum-like suction inside of glass cups. To create the vacuum in the glass cup, a flame is placed inside the cup to burn up the oxygen, the flame is then removed and the cup is quickly placed on the skin. At no point does the flame come in contact with the skin.  

Cupping is useful for treating musculo-skeletal conditions by facilitating the relaxation of muscles, and improving blood flow and nerve function throughout the body. By promoting better circulation and enhancing lymphatic flow, cupping is extremely beneficial for relaxing stiff muscles and alleviating pain.

Gua Sha

Gua Sha is often referred to as “scraping” and consists of friction applied in repeated even strokes to the skin with a tool of some sort (often made of buffalo horn or jade, but bottle caps work well, too!) to increase blood and lymphatic flow. 

Gua sha has many benefits such as moving the blood, promoting normal circulation to the muscles, tissues, and organs directly beneath the surface treated. Often you will experience immediate changes in stiffness, pain, and mobility. Normal metabolic processes are restored by the movement of fluids as nutrients are carried to the tissues and metabolic wastes are carried away. Because gua sha mimics sweating, it resolves fever and can be useful in the very early stages of seasonal colds/flus.

Kinesiology (KT) Taping

Kinesiology taping is a taping method  that utilizes flexible, water resistant tape that reduces inflammation and pain, relaxes over-used muscles, and supports muscles that may be weak. 

Unlike athletic tape which is used to restrict joint movement in order to provide stabilization, kinesiology tape is flexible and provides light support without movement restriction. Additionally, athletic tape often can constrict circulation and lymph flow, whereas kinesiology tape enhances both by creating a gentle lift on the skin. By improving circulation and facilitating lymphatic drainage, kinesiology tape helps make the body’s own healing process more efficient, thereby reducing swelling, pain, and healing time. This non-restrictive method of taping allows for full range of motion and can be worn for several days.


Moxibustion involves the heating of acupuncture points with smoldering mugwort  (related to sage, known as moxa). Moxibustion stimulates circulation, counteracts cold in the body, and promotes the flow of blood.

This safe, non-invasive technique may be used alone, but it is generally used in conjunction with an acupuncture treatment. It provides a pleasant, lasting heat that can be used for numerous conditions, particularly pain that gets worse in cold weather.